Wednesday, May 4, 2011


May the fourth (letter words) be with you!

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

I can't think of this movie without thinking of my grandmother, who took me to see it.  She was a wonderfully visionary woman, who sparked my lifelong love for science, science fiction, and space.  The space program excited her - she was one of those who purchased a ticket on Pan Am to get a trip into space... and I think she always lamented that she was never able to take that trip.  We saw Star Wars together when it was first in theaters... and years later I took her to watch The Phantom Menace.  In between she introduced me to Star Trek, Isaac Asimov, 2001, Carl Sagan, Close Encounters, and many many more.

Here's to you, Grandma. Star Wars: Episode Four will always be our show.

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